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Fifth Dynasty Traveling Ship
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Portside view of Egyptian fifth Dynasty ship
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Crescent or banana shaped hulls were common in Egypt at this time
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Main cabin area is for passengers

Fifth Dynasty Travelling Ship

Year: 2450 BC
Category: Ancient
Vessel Type: Merchant Ship
Scale: 1/8" = 1 foot
Overall Length: 67 feet

This carving represents a passenger ship from early Egyptian times (2450 BC). Most Egyptian ships were built to travel the Nile and this one is no exception.

Egyptian ships were made of wood, which was scarce in Egypt and imported from where Lebanon is today. The planking was dovetailed, pinned, fitted, and sewn (internally) together. The unusual shaping of the outboard planking and the deck planking was common as shipbuilders utilized every piece of wood they had and "jigsaw puzzled" them together to achieve the desired result.

In ancient times the ships on the Nile sailed upstream because the wind blows south on the Nile. To go downstream the crew then worked oars that were held in leather oar loops that ran through the holes seen on the top railing. Deck planks near the sides were removed and the crossbeams (thwarts) served as seats for the oarsmen .

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Ebony , Ivory and scrimshaw bring contrast to the carving
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The checkerboard pattern seen on the side of the cabin was the most common design seen in ancient Egypt
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Masthead showing bundled reeds wrapped in leather serving as the yardarm

Location and Hours

1775 State Route 39
Sugarcreek, Ohio   44681
(330) 852-6096
Holiday Hours:

Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 to 5. We are always closed on Sunday.

We will be closed on Thanksgiving Day but open on the Friday and Saturday afterwards.

We will close Christmas eve at 1 pm and will be closed on the 25th and 26th (Wednesday and Thursday). We will be open the 27th and 28th(The Friday and Saturday after Christmas). Then open again on Monday the 30th. Closing New Years Eve at 1 pm. We will be closing in January for re-carpeting the museum and will post January hours once we know how the carpeting goes!

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