Carvings Gallery

Welcome to our on-line gallery of David's carvings. The photos in our gallery show each of his ships from several angles as well as highly-detailed, close-up views. In addition to the photos, viewers are provided a brief history of the carving and an explanation of the ship's purpose and function at the time it lived and sailed.

After you have selected a ship to view, you can click on the photo to enlarge it and then use your arrow keys to move through the various pictures of that carving.

David is actively carving every day and continues to add to his "history of the ship" art project. You may note that only a handful of David's 80 carvings are from Medieval times, so he is currently focusing on that particular era of shipbuilding to add to his collection. Expect to see interesting additions to David's gallery in the future.

First Dynasty Royal Boat (3000 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Fourth Dynasty Royal Ship (2670 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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The Royal Ship of Pharaoh Cheops (2600 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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The Punt Ship of Pharaoh Sahure (2540 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Eye of the Sun (2450 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Fifth Dynasty Travelling Ship (2450 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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El Amarna (2350 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Sixth Dynasty Travelling Ship (2300 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Prince Mesehti's Royal Ship (2100 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Meketre's Ship (2025 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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El Omari (2000 BC)

Age: Ancient |
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Field of Rushes (1850 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Pharaoh's Runner (1790 BC)

Age: Ancient | Warship
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The Punt Ship of Queen Hatshepsut (1500 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Royal Ship of Queen Hatshepsut (1490 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Star of Memphis (1350 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Ulu Burun (1350 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Royal Ship of Tutankamen (1335 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Merchant of Gebel (1200 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Lioness of Thebes (1190 BC)

Age: Ancient | Warship
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Swift Warrior (800 BC)

Age: Ancient | Warship
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Europa (750 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Winds of Arvad (750 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Sword of Ninevah (700 BC)

Age: Ancient | Warship
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Wild Boar (550 BC)

Age: Ancient | Warship
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Young Lady of Tarquinia (450 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Angel Eyes (400 BC)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Huntress of Athens (330 BC)

Age: Ancient | Warship
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Neptunus of Ostia (200 AD)

Age: Ancient | Merchant Ship
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Yassi Ada (650 AD)

Age: Medieval | Merchant Ship
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Gotland (1225 AD)

Age: Medieval | Merchant Ship
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Venicia (1270 AD)

Age: Medieval | Merchant Ship
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San Eustorgio (1339 AD)

Age: Medieval | Merchant Ship
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City of Elbing (1350 AD)

Age: Medieval | Merchant Ship
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Pride of Danzig (1400 AD)

Age: Medieval | Merchant Ship
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Nina (1492 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Pinta (1492 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Santa Maria (1492 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Matthew (1497 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Victoria (1519 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Golden Hinde (1577 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Susan Constant (1607 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Half Moon (1609 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Mayflower (1620 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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H.M.S.Endeavor (1768 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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BonHomme Richard (1779 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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H.M.S. Bounty (1787 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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Ayesha (1792 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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USS Constitution (1797 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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USS Essex (1799 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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Prince de Neufchatel (1812 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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Niagara (1813 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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Lagoda (1826 AD)

Age: Modern |
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Lightning (1854 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Sunbeam (1856 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Josephine (1877 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Wanderer (1878 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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Carnegie (1909 AD)

Age: Modern |
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Viola (1910 AD)

Age: Modern | Merchant Ship
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U.S.C.G.C. Eagle (1936 AD)

Age: Modern | Warship
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Location and Hours

1775 State Route 39
Sugarcreek, Ohio   44681
(330) 852-6096
We are open Monday from 10 am to 4 pm. Tuesday - Saturday we are open 10 am to 5 pm. We are always closed on Sunday.

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