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Venetian merchant ship " Venicia " 1270 AD
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Starboard profile of Venicia. Note the forward rake of the foremast - a feature seen only on Italian ships and only from the late Medieval years.
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Port view of Venetian ship " Venicia ".


Year: 1270 AD
Category: Medieval
Vessel Type: Merchant Ship
Scale: 1/12th = 1 foot
Overall Length: 105 feet

Throughout the medieval period, the Italian Republic of Venice was a leading commercial center in southern Europe. Ships like "Venicia" were used by merchant families to transport goods throughout the Mediterranean basin.

Marco Polo's family, engaging heavily in commerce with the east, operated ships like this one to establish and maintain their wealth.

Blue prints, drawings, and technical information for this ship were provided by marine historian-scholars Robert Gleason of the U.S. and Bjorn Landstrom of Sweden.

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Stern castle with " goalpost " - utilized to support the yardarm when lowered so it would not clutter the deck.
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Rose colored bands were a feature of Venetian merchant ships as they served as a calling card in port. Merchants wanting to find a Venetian merchant need only glance at the harbor and spot the rose banded bulwarks.
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The open deck beneath the forecastle allowed the anchors to be worked with greater ease but they scooped up water in heavy seas like a spoon.
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The stepladder to the aftcastle is carved from one piece of ivory.
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Italian crows nests in these late Medieval years were actually square rather than round.
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Note tri-pronged anchor in lower foredeck.
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Tri-pronged anchor .

Location and Hours

1775 State Route 39
Sugarcreek, Ohio   44681
(330) 852-6096
Holiday Hours:

We will be closed in January for re-carpeting the museum and will post January hours once we know how the carpeting goes!

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