Year: 1519 AD
Category: Modern
Vessel Type: Merchant Ship
Scale: 1/16" = 1 foot
Overall Length: 100 feet
The Victoria was the first ship to sail around the world. This circumnavigation required nearly 3 years to complete. Ferdinand Magellan left Spain in 1519 with 5 ships and 241 men on this adventure. Only one ship, the Victoria, made it with only 18 men. Magellan himself was killed in the Philippines and the journey was completed by del Cano, Magellan's compatriot.
Magellan was Portuguese but could not find support from the King of Portugal for this venture, which was to reach China by rounding the southern tip of South America. In like manner Columbus and Cabot were Italian but could not find support in their own country for their explorations so they had to shop their ideas around Europe until they found a monarch interested in their idea.
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