Media Assets
Prince Mesehti's Royal Ship
Media Assets
Port profile of Prince Mesehti's Ship.
Media Assets
Port view of the ship.

Prince Mesehti's Royal Ship

Year: 2100 BC
Category: Ancient
Vessel Type: Merchant Ship
Scale: 1/8 inch = 1 foot
Overall Length: 56 foot

This carving shows an Egyptian Royal Ship from 2100 BC with its mast in the down position. When masts were lowered they were suspended above the deck in a cradle which was set to displace the mast hole. The extensive trim work on this carving is of abalone pearl.

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Location and Hours

1775 State Route 39
Sugarcreek, Ohio   44681
(330) 852-6096
Holiday Hours:

We will be closed in January for re-carpeting the museum and will post January hours once we know how the carpeting goes!

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