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San Eustorgio 1339 AD
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Port view of San Eustorgio
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Starboard profile of San Eustorgio

San Eustorgio

Year: 1339 AD
Category: Medieval
Vessel Type: Merchant Ship
Scale: 1/12" = 1 foot
Overall Length: 70 feet

A small coastal trading vessel used in Italy. Ships like this would deliver goods to small town merchants along the coasts of Italy. This could be thought of as the 14th century equivalent to the little brown United Parcel truck - it would deliver goods in a small geographic area but it was not an open road, or in this case, not an open seas or overseas trading vessel.

This ship dates to the year 1339 and could also have been owned by a tradesman or craftsman of some kind. In these days it was not unusual for a blacksmith, cooper or other tradesman to travel in his own ship from town to town along the coast. He would be of service to areas that could not support a full time worker in his trade but needed his talents one or two days in each week.

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Rounded stern - a common feature of southern European ships.
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Steering oars with tackle lifts.
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Aftcastle and steering area.
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Christian symbolism was prevalent decor on castles and crows nests.
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Forcastle area.
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Masts were raked on a forward angle on Italian ships at this time and secured in their step with sheaves and rope binding.
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Capstan with spools for working the anchor ropes.

Location and Hours

1775 State Route 39
Sugarcreek, Ohio   44681
(330) 852-6096
Holiday Hours:

We will be closed in January for re-carpeting the museum and will post January hours once we know how the carpeting goes!

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