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Royal Ship of Queen Hatshepsut
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Queen's throne with baldachin.

Royal Ship of Queen Hatshepsut

Year: 1490 BC
Category: Ancient
Vessel Type: Merchant Ship
Scale: 1/8" = 1 foot
Overall Length: 75 feet

This 75 foot royal yacht was used by Egypt's famous Queen Hatshepsut of the 18th Dynasty. The 18th Dynasty marked the height of the Egyptian empire and this elegant ship is representative of the wealth and culture of the times she lived in and ruled over.

A unique feature is seen in the six column support of the baldachin over the dais with the Queens's throne. The Egyptian god "Horus", as represented by the falcon, is seen atop the forward papyriform capital.

The detailed information of this ship was found by Egyptologists in the form of models and intricate wall paintings in the mortuary temple of the queen at Deir el Bahari in Thebes.

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(330) 852-6096
We are open Monday from 10 am to 4 pm. Tuesday - Saturday we are open 10 am to 5 pm. We are always closed on Sunday.

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