
Angel Eyes

Year: 400 BC
Category: Ancient
Vessel Type: Merchant Ship
Scale: 1/8" = 1 foot
Overall Length: 52 feet

A merchant vessel sailing from the island of Cyprus about the year 400 B.C.. This ship was typical of the type in use in Greece in the first 5 centuries before Christ. Such vessels were usually built of pine, while the yard, joined together of 2 parts, and the mast were of spruce.

The stern post was carved with the face of a weathered sea-going man. Note the graceful shape of the hull. Here we begin to see the grace, beauty, and proportions of modern day ships.

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1775 State Route 39
Sugarcreek, Ohio   44681
(330) 852-6096
We are open Monday from 10 am to 4 pm. Tuesday - Saturday we are open 10 am to 5 pm. We are always closed on Sunday.

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